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JobShark: Find the Right Job

Profile Help

Frequently asked questions
What is a profile?

When you make your resume searchable we automatically create a profile for you. It includes key information from your resume such as your latest job, top 10 skills and highest level of education.

Potential employers view your profile in our Resume Search before deciding to download your resume.

Making sure the information in your profile is accurate and up-to-date will improve your chances of being found for the right job.

I have a resume, why do I need a profile?

A profile is automatically created for you when you make your resume searchable.

Profiles make it easy for potential employers to compare key information about candidates in our Resume Search before deciding to download a resume.

Making sure the information in your profile is accurate and up-to-date will improve your chances of being found for the right job.

The information in my profile is not correct

When you make your resume searchable we automatically create a profile for you by extracting the data from your searchable resume.

Extracting data from a document as complex as a resume can be tricky and may occasionally be inaccurate. We recommend that you check your profile and make any corrections to make sure it is accurate and your key information is highlighted.

What happens when I make changes to my searchable resume?

If you make changes to your searchable resume and upload a new version your profile will not be updated automatically.

You will need to make the changes to your profile to match your new resume so potential employers see the most up-to-date information.

Can I delete my profile?

You can delete your profile at any time, but if you delete your profile you will no longer be searchable and potential employers will not be able to find you in our Resume Search.

Why was my photo rejected?

All profile photos go through an approval process. We may ask you to provide a new photo if the one you added was not suitable.

This may be because:

  • The photo had multiple people - the photo should be of yourself, and it should be clear who the photo is of
  • The photo is not orientated correctly - the photo may need to be rotated
  • The photo needs to be cropped - the photo should be a 'headshot', take advantage of the cropping tool when uploading your image to focus on your head and shoulders
  • The photo was not yourself - the photo should be of yourself, it shouldn't be a cartoon or contain text
Why am I limited to 10 skills, or only my latest job?

Your profile is not intended to replace your resume, but instead be a concise overview of your key information and skills that potential employers will view before downloading your resume.

Both your profile and resume data is included in our Resume Search, so rest assured, you will come up in the search for keywords which are found in your profile or searchable resume.

My location is not listed when I type it in
If your location is missing from the list, let us know and we'll add it in. In the mean time, try adding the region or county.

Perfecting your profile
Picking a profile photo

Your profile photo should be a 'headshot', and it should be clear from your profile photo who the picture is of. Take advantage of the cropping tool when uploading your image to focus on your head and shoulders.

You should not upload an image that contains text or is a cartoon caricature of yourself.

Choosing a job seeker status

Your Job Seeker Status represents how active you are in job hunting.

  • Actively Seeking - you are actively looking for a job
  • Open to Offers – you are not actively looking for a job but you would be open to being contacted about potential jobs
  • Not Looking - you are not actively looking for a job and you are unlikely to be interested in potential offers
Keep your profile up-to-date

As you become more experienced and learn new skills make sure you keep your profile up-to-date.

Remember to increase the years of experience you have for your skills, and review their knowledge levels.

Updating your profile will also help you to appear as a more active candidate when employers browse through their search results.

Ordering your skills

You can arrange your skills in any order you like.

To move a skill, click and drag the icon found in the top left of each skill to the place you want the skill to appear.

Consider ordering your skills by experience, or placing any niche skills you have first.